Q3PLUS is modification for Quake 3: Arena based on Excessive Plus 2.2b mod, Quake Live weapons settings, modified vq3 (ql-alike) physics and many different HQ visual and sound corrections. q3plus is
a client, server and visual modification, practically all in one!
We currently have a few servers which run q3plus mod in Europe where we play organized weekend events and pickup games.
If you want to partake in a quake live alternative with improved gameplay and visual environment feel free to join us on our discord server and online gaming.
If you want to partake in a quake live alternative with improved gameplay and visual environment feel free to join us on our discord server and online gaming.
Mod is available on the moddb.com website where you can find all the necessary Q3PLUS files in one place. changelog
Special thanks goes to ZerTerO and q3superman!
Files svpatch, q3plusHQ, q3plus64 and 32.exe will be periodically updated.
Extract mod to your Quake III Arena game, maps to baseq3 and copy your .cfg in new q3plus folder.